Wednesday, April 16, 2008
24 hours
any month is either 30 or 31 days while febreury is 28 or 29 but in all the days we find 24 hours
but not all the 24 hours are the same , when you are enjoying the 24 hours with someone or something you feel that 24 hours are less.
while if you are not happy or not enjoying the 24 hours you feel them longer.
but when you miss someone or something you hope the 24 hours to pass fast till you can meet him/her and when the time of meeting is on you wish the 24 hours to be the slowest.
Posted by
semsem corner
1:36 PM
Thursday, November 8, 2007
New Lakshmi
Are you a busy person ??
If you are busy so you may hope that you can more hands or more feet to do more in the same time or may be less.
In the future busy people will have a robot to help them in work and home
it will act as extra hands or feet.
But what if you really got 2 extra arms and 2 extra legs
This is not a joke it happened in India where a baby was born 2 yrs ago with 4 arms and 4 legs
The girl name is lakshmi.
And these days surgeons do their best to remove the extra limbs
Let’s know who was the real Lakshimi
In Indian mythology Goddess lakshmi (Goddess of wealth ) had 4 hands ,on that days this was a bless but now no more like that.
Are you still want to have extra limbs ??!!!!!
If you are busy so you may hope that you can more hands or more feet to do more in the same time or may be less.
In the future busy people will have a robot to help them in work and home
it will act as extra hands or feet.
But what if you really got 2 extra arms and 2 extra legs
This is not a joke it happened in India where a baby was born 2 yrs ago with 4 arms and 4 legs
The girl name is lakshmi.
And these days surgeons do their best to remove the extra limbs
Let’s know who was the real Lakshimi
In Indian mythology Goddess lakshmi (Goddess of wealth ) had 4 hands ,on that days this was a bless but now no more like that.
Are you still want to have extra limbs ??!!!!!
In the photo: India map and lakshmi the Goddess and the girl and the surgeon Dr.Pital
Believe it or not !!!!!!!
Yesterday i was thinking about writing something about candles and their role in life.
Today i recieved a nice story about candles and how we can be similar to them.
I decided to publish the story as it is because i think it is more than just a story.
Thank you to the one who sent me the story.
He\she said "Once upon a time a little candle stood in a room filled with other candles, most of them much larger and much more beautiful than she was. Some were ornate and some were rather simple, like herself. Some were white, some were blue, some were pink, some were green. She had no idea why she was there, and the other candles made her feel rather small and insignificant.When the sun went down and the room began to get dark, she noticed a large man walking toward her with a ball of fire on a stick. She suddenly realized that the man was going to set her on fire. No, no!! she cried, Aaaaagghhh! Don’t burn me, please! But she knew that she could not be heard and prepared for the pain that would surely follow.To her surprise, the room filled with light. She wondered where it came from since the man had extinguished his fire stick. To her delight, she realized that the light came from herself.Then the man struck another fire stick and, one by one, lit the other candles in the room. Each one gave out the same light that she did.During the next few hours, she noticed that, slowly, her wax began to flow. She became aware that she would soon die. With this realization came a sense of why she had been created. Perhaps my purpose on earth is to give out light until I die, she mused. And that’s exactly what she did.Lord created you and me to produce light in a dark world. Like that little candle, we all can produce the same amount of light, no matter how small we are or what color we might be. But we can’t produce light until we receive it from an outside source. That source is Lord, the light of the world.TRY 2B A CANDLE even by a smile God bless u "
Monday, November 5, 2007
Dollars that we dont know (2)
Can anyone imagine the $1 paper without George Washington ??
Please think well before answer...........
The right answer is yes.
One day the $1 was without George Washington .
The first $1 was seen on 1868 , another one was seen on 1886 , then on 1891 , 1896, 1917, 1923 , 1928 , 1934 and the recent one that we can see nowadays.
$1 was without George Washington on years (1886,1891 and 1896)
Lets see the $1 history now
Posted by
semsem corner
10:48 AM
Labels: $1, dollars, George Washington
Dollars that we don't know (1)
Many of us saw Dollars banknotes before, and may be some of us have dollars.
But when you ask anyone about the dollars he saw,he will till you $1,$5,$10,$20,$50 and $100.
i thought so too till yesterday when i tried to know wether there is\was other banknotes or not
and i found some wounderful banknotes.
The first banknote that i will discuss here is the $2 banknote.
$2 history
· The first $2 notes (called United States Notes or "Legal Tenders") were issued by the Federal Government in 1862 and featured a portrait of the first Secretary of the Treasury, Alexander Hamilton (1789-1795).
· The first use of Thomas Jefferson's portrait on $2 notes was on Series 1869 United States Notes. The same portrait has been used for all series of $2 United States Notes as well as for all $2 Federal Reserve Notes.
· Monticello, Thomas Jefferson's estate in Virginia, was first featured as the vignette on the back of the Series 1928 $2 United States Note.
· In celebration of the United States' bicentennial, a $2 Federal Reserve Note, Series 1976, was introduced. The new design maintained the portrait of Jefferson on the face but the back was changed from Monticello to a vignette of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. The most recent printing of the $2 note has the Series 2003 date. There are no plans to redesign the $2 note.
· Vignette on the Back of the Current $2 Federal Reserve NoteThe $2 Federal Reserve Note features an engraving of John Trumbull's painting "The Signing of the Declaration of Independence." The original Trumbull painting portrayed 47 people, 42 of whom were signers of the Declaration (there were 56 total). However, because of a limited amount of space on the note, 5 of 47 men in the painting were not included in the engraving.
Posted by
semsem corner
3:29 AM
Labels: 2, alexander hamilton, banknote, dollars, history, independance, monticello, thomas jefferson, usa
Saturday, November 3, 2007
The rainbow is a promise
I like the rainy weather so much but i can remember that i saw the rainbow 2or 3 times only.
when you ask an engineer about it , you will get alot of physical explaination about defraction of light .
while when you ask an artist about the rainbow you will hear alot about colours and sky.
for me the rainbow is not only colours you can see in a rainy day, but it is God message to people reminding them by a promise.
i think everyone took a promise from God or gave a promise to God,can remeber that promise when he see the rainbow
Now lets have a look on what is rainbow in history ??
The rainbow has a place in legend owing to its beauty and the historical difficulty in explaining the phenomenon.
In Greek mythology, the rainbow was considered to be a path made by a messenger (Iris) between Earth and Heaven. In Chinese mythology, the rainbow was a slit in the sky sealed by Goddess Nüwa using stones of five different colours. In Hindu mythology, the rainbow is called Indradhanush, meaning the bow of Indra, the God of lightning and thunder. In Norse Mythology, a rainbow called the Bifröst Bridge connects the realms of Ásgard and Midgard, homes of the gods and humans, respectively. The Irish leprechaun's secret hiding place for his pot of gold is usually said to be at the end of the rainbow. This place is impossible to reach, because the rainbow is an optical effect which depends on the location of the viewer. When walking towards the end of a rainbow, it will move further away.
In the bible, the rainbow is explicitly stated as a sign of the Noahic Covenant between God and The Creation, and the biblical God's promise to Noah that never again would The World be purified by The Deluge (Genesis 9.13-15)
In Greek mythology, the rainbow was considered to be a path made by a messenger (Iris) between Earth and Heaven. In Chinese mythology, the rainbow was a slit in the sky sealed by Goddess Nüwa using stones of five different colours. In Hindu mythology, the rainbow is called Indradhanush, meaning the bow of Indra, the God of lightning and thunder. In Norse Mythology, a rainbow called the Bifröst Bridge connects the realms of Ásgard and Midgard, homes of the gods and humans, respectively. The Irish leprechaun's secret hiding place for his pot of gold is usually said to be at the end of the rainbow. This place is impossible to reach, because the rainbow is an optical effect which depends on the location of the viewer. When walking towards the end of a rainbow, it will move further away.
In the bible, the rainbow is explicitly stated as a sign of the Noahic Covenant between God and The Creation, and the biblical God's promise to Noah that never again would The World be purified by The Deluge (Genesis 9.13-15)
Friendship in all languages
In arabic :الصديق الحق هو من يعرف انك مثل البيضة الجيدة حتي و انكانت بك بعض الشقوق
المؤلف بيرنارد ملتزر
In english
"true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though he knows that you are slightly cracked "
Author: Bernard Meltzer
Author: Bernard Meltzer
In french
" l'ami vrai est quelqu'un qui pense que vous êtes bon oeuf quoiqu'il sache que vous êtes légèrement criqué". Auteur : Bernard Meltzer
In german
In german
"zutreffender Freund ist jemand, der denkt, daß Sie gutes Ei sind, obwohl er weiß, daß Sie etwas gebrochen sind." Autor: Bernard Meltzer
In greek
In greek
"ο αληθινός φίλος είναι κάποιος που σκέφτεται ότι είστε καλό αυγό ακόμα κι αν ξέρει ότι είστε ελαφρώς ραγισμένοι". Συντάκτης: Bernard Meltzer
In Italian
In Italian
"l'amico allineare è qualcuno che pensi che siate buon uovo anche se sa che siete un po'cracked." Autore: Bernard Meltzer
In Japenese
"真の友達はわずかに割れていることを彼が知っているのによい卵であると考える誰かである。"著者: Bernard Meltzer
In porteguese
"o amigo verdadeiro é alguém que pensa de que você é ovo bom mesmo que saiba que você é ligeiramente rachado." Autor: Bernard Meltzer
In Spanish
In Spanish
"el amigo verdadero es alguien que piensa que usted es buen huevo aunque él sabe que usted es levemente agrietado." Autor: Bernard Meltzer
In Chinese
In Chinese
"真实的朋友是某人认为您是好蛋即使他知道您是轻微地破裂的。"作者: Bernard Meltzer
Posted by
semsem corner
8:16 AM
Labels: arabic, chinise, english, french, friendship, german, japanise, portugeuse, spanish
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